Hi Travelliners..
Selain membahas restoran yang ada di Indonesia, Team travellinary kali ini juga
akan mengulas seputar beberapa restoran di Hong Kong. Buat yang punya rencana ke Hong Kong dan
pengen tau apa yang famous disini bisa take
a look J. For Travelliners from other country, we will also provide English translation for you. Check this out!
yang gak pernah cobain makanan satu ini? Dim Sum merupakan makanan yang
disajikan dalam wadah bambu kecil yang dikukus atau diletakkan diatas piring
kecil. Travelliners bisa nyobain Dim Sum di beberapa Chinese Restaurant. Jenis makanan ini berasal dari bagian selatan
Cina, dan merupakan makanan khas Hong Kong. So, belum lengkap rasanya kalo
belum cobain Dim Sum ketika travelling ke Hong Kong. Salah satu restoran Dim
Sum yang harus travelliners cobain, yaitu Tim Ho Wan (添好運),
The Dim Sum Specialist - Hong Kong Style.
Travelliners bisa nemuin restoran ini di beberapa tempat di Hong Kong seperti
daerah Central, Sham Shui Po, North Point, Tai Kok Tsui, dan restoran yang
paling baru berada di Tseung Kwan O. Tempat ini sangat populer dikalangan
masyarakat lokal maupun para turis karena rasanya yang enak dan harganya yang
lumayan terjangkau jika dibandingkan dengan restoran lainnya. Karena itu juga tempat
ini selalu penuh dengan pengunjung terutama pada hari minggu siang. Setelah
mengantri selama 1,5 jam akhirnya team Travellinary bisa juga dapetin tempat
dan nyobain makanan di dalam.. fiuhh.. Tips buat para Travelliners, sepertinya
lebih baik kalau kesini waktu weekday dehh,, :P
kebanyakan restoran yang ada di Hong Kong gak terlalu besar, jadi jangan kaget
kalo terkadang harus sharing meja
atau berdesakan dengan pengunjung lainnya. Tapi jangan khawatir, tempat ini
cukup nyaman dengan interior yang simple dan tertata rapi. Travelliners juga
gak perlu khawatir kalau gak bisa membaca tulisan Mandarin/Cantonese, Travelliners bisa request menu dalam Bahasa Inggris
dan tinggal menuliskan berapa banyak makanan yang ingin Travelliners cobain.
Untuk contoh menu bisa dilihat di foto yang ada. Seporsinya mempunyai kisaran
harga 12-26 HKD, cukup seimbang dengan rasa dan porsi yang didapat.^^
satu menu yang harus Travelliners cobain disini yaitu Cha Siu Bao (Baked Bun
with BBQ), menu ini sangat terkenal dan sangat lezat, berbeda dengan Cha Siu
Bao yang ada di restoran-restoran lainnya. Sepiringnya terdapat 3 buah Cha Siu
Bao dengan harga 18-19 HKD perpiring. Cha Siu Bao di restoran ini sangat renyah
dan sedikit manis tetapi lembut di bagian dalamnya. Di dalamnya terdapat BBQ
pork dengan rasa manis dan juga padat. Selain Cha Siu Bao, Team Travellinary
juga bisa mencoba Lo Mai Gai (Glutinous Rice Dumpling), Bai Kut (Steamed
Spareribs with Black Bean Sauce), Steamed Beef Ball with Bean Curd
Skin dan lain-lain. (SS)
English Version^^
doesn't know Dim Sum? Dim Sum is a famous Cantonese food prepared as small
bite-sized portion served in small steamer baskets or on small plates. People said
when you come to Hong Kong you must tried Dim Sum. The one that you have to try
when you come here is Tim Ho Wan (添好運), the Dim Sum Specialist – Hong
Kong Style. You can find this restaurant in several places like Central, Sham
Shui Po, North Point, Tai Kok Tsui, and the new one is in Tseung Kwan O. This
place is quite famous here because they have a good food with affordable price.
That’s why this place is always full of people especially on Sunday afternoon.
We went there on Sunday afternoon and we should wait for 1.5 hours to get
inside @@, so it is better to go there in weekdays.
all of the restaurant in Hong Kong don’t have a big place, so don’t be
surprised if sometime you need to share the table with others. However, don’t
worry; this place is comfortable enough and tidy. You also don’t need to worry
if you cannot read the word in Mandarin/Cantonese, because you can request to
the staff and they will give you the English Menu. You just need to write the
number on the blank box how many plates that you want. You can see the example
of the menu below. The price for one portion is between 12 to 26 HKD, it is
worth to try to.^^
The example of the Menu,
you get here, please make sure that you have tried the Baked Bun with BBQ! This is one of the famous menus
here and it is delicious. It tastes different with the BBQ bun in other
restaurant, it is crunchy and a little bit sweet outside but it is soft inside
filling with full of minced BBQ Pork. Yummy! You can also try their Glutinous Rice
Dumpling, Steamed Spareribs with Black Bean Sauce, Steamed Beef Ball with
Bean Curd Skin, etc. These are several menus that we had tried before. (SS)
Siu Bao (Baked Bun with BBQ)
Mai Gai (Glutinous Rice Dumpling)
Kut (Steamed Spareribs with Black Bean Sauce)
Mai (Steamed Pork Dumpling with Shrimp)
Beef Ball with Bean Curd Skin
Bean Curd Skin Roll Filled with Shrimp & Vegetable
Fan (Steamed Rice Rolls Stuffed with Barbeque Pork)
your Dishes!
Tim Ho Wan, the Dim-Sum Specialists
Central Store
Shop 12A, Hong Kong Station (Podium Level 1,
IFC Mall) , Central
(852) 2332 3078
Open Hour : Mon-Sun 09:00 – 21:00
Sam Shui Po Store
G/F, 9-11 Fuk Wing Street, Sam Shui Po
(852) 2788 1266
Open Hour : Mon-Sun 08:00 – 22:00
Tai Kok Tsui Store
Shop 72, G/F, Olympian City 2, 18 Hoi Ting
Road, Tai Kok Tsui
(852) 2332 2896
North Point Store
Shop B, C, & D, G/F, 2-8 Wharf Road,
Seaview Building, North
(852) 2979 5608
Open Hour : Mon-Sun 10:00 – 21:30
Tseung Kwan O Store
Shop 49, G/F., POPCORN 2, 9 Tong Chun Street, Tseung
Kwan O
將軍澳唐俊街9樓POPCORN 2期地下49號
將軍澳唐俊街9樓POPCORN 2期地下49號
(852) 2789 2803
Open Hour : Mon-Sun 10:00 – 21:30
Good place to go! Cha Siu Bao is there taste different but delicious!